Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Shots/scenes 3

On the other day i filmed the last part of the opening of my film and this was our last day so what we did was filmed the episode where the grown up girl (Connie Yaneva) gets the victim (Mimi Zaharieva) dressed like a doll which is shown on the video:

She is just sitting here and the grown up girl (Connie Yaneva) plays with her like she played when she was younger and when her dad took away her favorite dolls.

Shots/scenes 2

This was our second day filming in this day we filmed those scenes that were outside. There are lot of different shot and scenes we have but because there was so much walking im not going to be able to fit all of it in my opening.
The shots we did were the one that the grown up girl (Connie Yaneva) is walking and she is looking for her victim. This was the first scene i filmed:

I think for the start of this scene is quiet obvious that she work in the infirmary as a nurse because on the building itself it says 'infirmary' and the fact that she walk out in a lab coat makes it even more obvious for the audience. 

The next scene i did was still outside but this time i was filming the victim (Mimi Zaharieva) walking to the place where she is going to get attacked. She is just on her phone and talking to her boyfriend and you can understand that by her saying 'hey honey' and 'bye bye, love you' (unfortunately there was too much wind when i was recoding it and there was some problem with sound):

Make up

The make up bit wasn't really hard until it came to the part where 'the doll' (mimi zaharieva) had to look like she is a doll so for that i used my make up skills they aren't very good but i think i did a good job.
This was the make up i ended up with:

To make that i used several thing and those are:
  • a vary pale foundation 
  • a vary pale powder 
  • fake eyelashes 
  • liquid eyeliner 
  • bright pink lipstick
  • bright pink blush

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


These are the pictures of the actors and actresses i used in my film:
Veronica Mihaleva - the girl
What she wore was a dress hight socks and a rosary.

The look i gave the girl on these two pictures was taken from films like the ring and the orphan. Their dresses are kind of from the old times and the girls look more creepy in those kind of dresses. That was the reason i chose that kind of dress for my actress that played the girl.

Connie Yaneva - Grown up girl
The grown up girl went crazy so what i had to do is to make her look weird so that she stands out by her outfit that she isn't fine and she has problems. What we thought would be the best id to put some formal outfit such as school trousers and a blouse which was in blue colour then she had the same rosary as the little girl which would give the audience a hint that its is the same girl and she had plats and the same clip on her hair as the little girl. When she was walking out of the infirmary we decided that she need the lab coat to look like she works there. 

Mimi Zaharieva - as the victim
The victim was wearing two different outfits. The first one was when she was walking and the grown up girl attacked her and dragged her. In that scene she was wearing some kind of party clothes because whe was coming back from the party.

 Them when she gets dressed up as a doll she is wearing a dress that looks like a doll dress and the shoes are just simple black flats.

Alastair Green - The Father
Because i need to make the actor look like a father a had to put some formal clothes on, so for that we used just a plain white shirt with a tie and a pair of plain black suit trousers which i think worked quiet well and because the guy has the beard, it make him look a little bit older.


This is the first day of us filming because one of the scene was inside and the other one was outside i decided that i want it to be filmed in two different days.
This is the first scene where the father takes away daughters toys:
And the good bit that i liked was when the dad drags her and she screams which i think was really good acting:


The credits i used were made on photoshop by me and all i did is wrote thing on black background and did several effect on the letters and this is what it came out to:


When i though if that i could make my own logo i though that i could use photoshop and some images from google. This is photoshop program that i used to make my own production logo:

And these are the images i took to make my own production logo:

And these are the final bits after i used photoshop:

All I did to those pictures was add text and some effects on the first one which wasn't really difficult and didn't take a lot of time.

Film Company Logos

These are the logos i was going to use until i came up with an idea of making my own logos.

Columbia Pictures Logo

Universal Studios Logo

Paramount Logo


There are many shots that i like in different types of movies but the favorite one that i want to use in my movie is the one when something happens unexpectedly the once that make you heart beat faster and that make you scream. There are so many of those in different horror/thriller films. For example when you watch a scary movie you are always sacred because all of the tension and the music that has been chosen for that particular moment to make it more scary. What i am planning to do is one of those shots.
Here i drew a sketch of what i want to make in my movie.

Because at the end of my 2 minute opening there will be a person dressed like a doll i want her to be sitting with closed eye and then unexpectedly open her eyes and i will try and find some music that could suit that exact shot.

Analysing AS media student's film opening

The video that i chose was a good video but i don't think i would make something like this. As I am making a thriller it is the only thing that is the same with my movie and this one. This movie is called 'S1'

This is a really weird name to make i think that the name doesn't connect to the movie but this is what makes the movie more mysterious. The shots that have been used there were really good what made me think of what kind of shots i want to use in my movie. This film gave me an idea of what i wanted to do but not as if i would steel and idea but in terms of what kind of shots i want to use or where am i going to film my movie who would be the actors, music, credits and all those things that i would have to look through before i start filming my movie. This opening made me think of everything apart from the idea of the movie because i have a basic idea of what i'm doing but now this opening put me on the right way.

Art Of The Title, 'Ginger Snaps' credits

I did this because this could help me what credits I should put in my movie. Im doing a thriller which meant that this could help. I watched  a two minute start of that movie and as there was credits coming i would write it down. This will help me decide where, when and how i should put my credits in my movie. I changed the names in credits and put mine and all people that helped me instead of people that did 'Ginger Snaps'

Story board

This is my story board.

My story board is a little bit different, what i did was i took pictures of places where i filmed my movie and when i took all the pictures I printed them out and drew all the actions that are going to be used in my movie.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


The Programm I ised to make my movie was iMovie
iMovie has all the things i need which are:

  • adding music 

  • adding photos 

  • adding titles (text)

  •  adding transitions

There are more thing you can do, you can trim the clips you can change the colour of the clip you want to be changed. For example i changed the colour of several clips of mine to black and white for that i used the adjustment function.

It is very easy to use because you get the little buttons that go left or right and they change the colour of the clip which is easy because you can move those until you get the colour you want.


The music and the sounds that I used were from iMovie that were already there. Those are called iMovie sound effects and iLife sound effects:

The other sound that I used were given to me by my teacher which i put on to my opening sequence.